Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical

Program 2.B: Millikan experiment with a direct linear fit. Program 2.4: Derivatives with the three-point formulas. Program 2.5: Integration with the Simpson rule. Program 2.6: Root Search with the bisection method. Program 2.7: Root Search with the Newton method. Program 2.8: Root Search with the secant method. Program 2.9: Bond length of NaCl. Introduction.: One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force (appeared in the book). Basic Numerical Methods.: Lagrange interpolation with the Aitken method (appeared in the book). The FORTRAN programs for some Numerical Method in. = 3 x + sin x − e x using Secant method in the. Documents Similar To Fortran Numerical Analysis Programs. Fortran 90 has many new features that make it a modern and robust language for numerical programming. In addition to providing many new language con-structs, Fortran 90 contains Fortran 77 as a subset (except for four small in-consistencies). Consequently, all Fortran 77 programs can be compiled and should produce identical results.

In the following table, each line/entry contains the program file name and a brief description.

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Secant method example problem
Chapter 1: Mathematical Preliminaries and Floating-Point Representation
first.fFirst programming experiment
pi.fSimple code to illustrate double precision
xsinx.fExample of programming f(x) = x - sinx carefully
Chapter 2: Linear Systems
ngauss.fNaive Gaussian elimination to solve linear systems
gauss.fGaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting
tri_penta.fSolves tridiagonal systems
Chapter 3: Locating Roots of Equations
bisect1.fBisection method (versin 1)
bisect2.fBisection method (version 2)
newton.fSample Newton method
` secant.fSecant method
Chapter 4: Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation
coef.fNewton interpolation polynomial at equidistant pts
deriv.fDerivative by center differences/Richardson extrapolation
Chapter 5: Numerical Integration
sums.fUpper/lower sums experiment for an integral
trapezoid.fTrapezoid rule experiment for an integral
romberg.fRomberg arrays for three separate functions
rec_simpson.fAdaptive scheme for Simpson's rule
Chapter 6: Spline Functions
spline1.fInterpolates table using a first-degree spline function
spline3.fNatural cubic spline function at equidistant points
bspline2.fInterpolates table using a quadratic B-spline function
schoenberg.fInterpolates table using Schoenberg's process
Chapter 7: Initial Values Problems
euler.fEuler's method for solving an ODE
taylor.fTaylor series method (order 4) for solving an ODE
rk4.fRunge-Kutta method (order 4) for solving an IVP
rk45.fRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method for solving an IVP
rk45ad.fAdaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
taylorsys.fTaylor series method (order 4) for systems of ODEs
rk4sys.fRunge-Kutta method (order 4) for systems of ODEs
amrk.fAdams-Moulton method for systems of ODEs
amrkad.fAdaptive Adams-Moulton method for systems of ODEs
Chapter 8: More on Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 9: Least Squares Methods
Chapter 10: Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation
test_random.fExample to compute, store, and print random numbers
coarse_check.fCoarse check on the random-number generator
double_integral.fVolume of a complicated 3D region by Monte Carlo
volume_region.fNumerical value of integral over a 2D disk by Monte Carlo
cone.fIce cream cone example
loaded_die.fLoaded die problem simulation
birthday.fBirthday problem simulation
needle.fBuffon's needle problem simulation
two_die.fTwo dice problem simulation
shielding.fNeutron shielding problem simulation
Chapter 11: Boundary Value Problems
bvp1.fBoundary value problem solved by discretization technique
bvp2.fBoundary value problem solved by shooting method
Chapter 13: Partial Differential Equations
parabolic1.fParabolic partial differential equation problem
parabolic2.fParabolic PDE problem solved by Crank-Nicolson method
hyperbolic.fHyperbolic PDE problem solved by discretization
seidel.fElliptic PDE solved by discretization/ Gauss-Seidel method
Chapter 13: Minimization of Functions
Chapter 14: Linear Programming Problems

Secant Method Example

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Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Expressions

Last updated: 15 July 2012