Transcad 4.5 Software

Lab1 of Geo520, Spring 200 5. TA: Julie Hwang. Introduction to TransCAD. Creating a Thematic Map. Objectives This lab introduces you to TransCAD. After this lab, you should get familiar with the general design of TransCAD GUI (graphic user interface), and be able to create a variety of maps. The results of traffic flow estimation obtained from TransCAD are assigned to the Gaza maps using the GIS techniques for spatial analysis. It is shown that the most congested area at present is the middle of the city especially at Aljala-Omer Almokhtar intersection. Therefore, improvement scenarios of this area should be carried out. Application of Transcad software on forecasting the traffic volume of freeway J.Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering (Natural Science), 2005, 1(4). 5 Sha bin, Yuan zhenzhou, Miao jianghua, Cao shouhua.Approach of traffic demand predicting base on transcad J.Shanxi Science and Technology, 2006, 1, (1). The model is run from the TransCAD software platform through a customized user interface. This interface provides access to custom calculations developed specifically for San Antonio area. Scenario and file management is achieved through a scenario management system integrated into. Nov 10, 2006 TransCAD is the first and only Geographic Information System (GIS) designed specifically for use by transportation professionals to store, display, manage, and analyze transportation data. TransCAD combines GIS and transportation modeling capabilities in a single integrated platform, providing capabilities that are unmatched by any other package.


A Powerful GIS for Transportation

TransCAD is a state-of-the-art GIS that you can use to create andcustomize maps, build and maintain geographic data sets, and performmany different types of spatial analysis. TransCAD includessophisticated GIS features such as polygon overlay, buffering, andgeocoding, and has an open system architecture that supports datasharing on local- and wide-area networks.

TransCAD is the only software package that fully integrates GIS withdemand modeling and logistics functionality. This makes it possible for models to be much more accurateand efficient.For example, network distances and travel times are based on the actual shape of theroad network and a correct representation of highway interchanges. Also,with networks, you can specify complex road attributes such as truckexclusions, delays at intersections, one-way streets, and constructionzones. Further, data preparation is greatly facilitated and the databaseand visualization capabilities catch errors before they cause problems.


In TransCAD, different modelingequations can easily be derived and applied for different geographicsubareas. Similarly, TransCAD brings new and much-needed capabilitiesfor measuring geographic accessibility. The GIS approach also provides a graphical solution that is easilyunderstood. Users can convey highly technical information to thenon-practitioner in a very straightforward and understandable manner.

Transcad 4.5 Software Free

Transcad 4.5 Software

Transcad Training

TransCAD extends the traditional GIS data model to includetransportation data objects such as transportation networks, matrices,routes systems, and linear-referenced data. These extensions make TransCAD the best data management and analysistool for working with transportation data. You can use the GIS functionsto prepare, visualize, analyze, and present your work, and use theapplication modules to solve routing, logistics, and othertransportation problems with greater ease and efficiency than with anyother product. Networks and matrices can be of virtually unlimitedsize.