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Download WinPCSIGN PRO 2018 Full (cracked version)
Besides the already powerful layout and editing tools of WinPCSIGN BASIC, WinPCSIGN PRO comes with further features like T-Shirt creation, Rhinestone creation, Fonts creation, Cost estimator, Black & white & colour pictures vectorization, Contour cutting and do many other amazing things.

Don't waste precious time, WinPCSIGN nesting feature is the perfect for arranging your project objects to minimize waste and reduce fabrication time.

Take advantage of the new crop marks tools. Seamlessly import your contour cut projects to other software like Adobe Illustrator FlexiSign or Corel Draw for printing and use WinPCSIGN for cutting.
This innovative feature will increase your production experience. Let you create many copies of the same design by automatically replacing text and number with your value.
Save precious cutting time by using our auto cutting optimization feature. Optimize the cutter head displacement and reduce the probability of vinyl misalignments while cutting massive job.
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Make sure every element of your design cut as you expected. The simulation allows you to see the cutting order of your project before sending your job to production.
Manage your objects with ease by saving the coordinates of an object on the design page. Once the object is registered, you can move it, edit it and replace it with his original position.
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Extend the life of your projects by quickly converting any rhinestone project into another shape.Xbench 3.0 Crack Download
Enjoy a more natural way to move on your page project. A whole new user experience that made design correction easier and faster.
What to make that text bigger or smaller? WinPCSIGN mouse scroll feature allows you to resize any fonts effortlessly by a simple finger scrolling.
Take advantage of the cutting panel zoom. This feature is great to see all the cutting details before sending your job to your vinyl cutter.
Expand your customer satisfaction by sending them a catalog of all the fonts you got in your designer portfolio.
Import dxp, pdf and other vectorial files with the possibilities to set a snap path tolerance.
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Get greater control on your cut by sorting the cutting order on X axis or Y axis. Allow you to get a faster result and minimize blade movement.
Path detection is now easier than ever with our new tolerance feature. Allow you to detect all double path even if the paths are slightly shifted.